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The combination of NComputing hardware (access devices) and virtualization software (vSpace) use the excess computing capacity of one PC to create multiple virtual desktops.
The vSpace software allows multiple simultaneous user accounts to run on a single computer. The access devices connect each user’s keyboard, monitor, and mouse to the shared PC. Each NComputing access device has ports for a keyboard, monitor, and mouse, but does not contain a CPU or memory.
The company offers three product lines, the X-series, L-series, and U-series.

X-series access devices connect via CAT 5 cable to a PCI card that is installed in a shared PC. Since there are typically two free PCI ports in a PC, the technology supports up to two PCI cards. The maximum distance between the PC and an access device is 10 m or about 30 ft. The X-series comes in kits which include one PC card and several access terminals, depending on the specific product.the X300 turned out to be the preferred solution when setting up computer labs

X300 — 3 users per kit

X350 — 3 users per kit (updated version of the X300)

X550 — 5 users per kit

Unlike the X-series, the NComputing L-series does not use a PCI card. L-series access devices connect each user’s keyboard, mouse and monitor back to the shared PC over standard Ethernet cables through a router or switch. An entry-level server supports approximately 30 users. The L-series comes in kits that include NComputing’s vSpace software and one access device.


L230 — includes microphone and USB ports

The revolutionary new U-series are the simplest of all to connect, because they just snap into standard USB ports. There are no network switches to buy and no PCI cards to install. The USB does have a distance limitation.


vSpace software
NComputing’s vSpace virtualization software, included with the hardware, creates the virtual desktops in the shared PC by dividing the computer's resources into independent sessions that give each user their own PC experience. The vSpace software uses the company’s proprietary display and communications protocol ("UXP") to communicate between the shared computer and the user stations.